
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mom vs. Medical Negligence!

 Being a Mom means being strong, aware, tender, caring, knowledgeable to say the least! I would never settle for anything less than what my instinct and feeling is saying is the best for my baby! I encourage every Mom out there to follow and listen to that inner voice.

Ultimately for me being a Mom means having the best interest of my child, being the voice, advocate & protector.  One of the most difficult decisions after my baby was born was picking a  Pediatrician. Now I know that means 80% of the time they get to see the nurses and the rest of the time the actual Doctors. I understand now that developing a  trusting relationship with the health care providers is essential for the well being of my baby. The one time I didn't pay attention to my screaming "motherly instinct" my baby ended up in the ER with 103.00 fever! it was a horrible experience! I would never wish that to any mom or new mother out there.
Recently we changed  Peds and asked for the chart to be transferred to the new pediatrician. Simple right?.. No! Some of the medical records were completely false. This information was questioned over and over to me making me feel like I was completely crazy!  asking me. Are you sure? Maybe you dont remember? We would never make a mistake like this! Insinuating I had forgotten that those procedures were given to my daughter. To make story short! After 6 hours of questioning from both medical providers! the new pediatrician staff understood and helped me to get to the bottom of the confusion. Ended up being the medical records were erroneously input into my daughters chart. They appologize and called it a clerical error!  I was infuriated ,scared, confused.And also thankful it was a paper error and I stood my ground . But it also made me think of all the babies out there that don't have some one to be their voice that are victims of Medical Negligence. Aren't we supposed to trust completely our nurses and doctors?

So all of you moms out there!  Be the voice of your children! Be loud and clear! it is OK to protect our children! even when no one else thinks that you are doing the right thing! listen to your motherly instinct!

 Moms know best!

much love,


Monday, May 28, 2012

Mom Fries!

Happy Memorial Day Everyone!

Hope you enjoy family friends & food!

Here is an idea for  a healthier spin to French fries!
How about sweet potatoes fries sound? for Mom Fries!
Just cut them up like normal fries season with S&P and either put them in the oven with a bit of olive oil or on your grill! Serve them up with a bit of light organic sour cream! and don't forget to lick your fingers!!


Much Love,


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Here’s a Quick Way to Travel, Tag & Store

Baby Travel Tag & Store

Here are my personal favorites for Baby & Kids storing, traveling and tagging.

For home toy storing I love the IKEA kids soft storage. My little one starting to get into everything and I know she is safe trying to get her toys in and out of those boxes. And at the end of the day I have a place to put all the toys for the home to look nice and tidy.

For Traveling I have realized the more prepared and organized I get the more we enjoy the trip.

First I lay everything out from clothing to diapers and food. Then I separate clothing into gallon Ziplocs! That way if anything gets wet or dirties the other change of clothes is still intact.

Second separate and label food ready to mix per serving. I use the munchkin dispenser and some breast milk dispenser for all my powder food like milk and cereals.
Here is a picture of how I store the rest of the food.

 For labeling I use Martha Stewart home and office tags to label each container! I love these tags because I can reuse them, hey are super easy to use and when I need to wash them they don’t leave the yucky stuff on my containers.

OH! And don’t forget to label your toys! You never know better safe than loosing your baby’s favorite toy! ;)

Well those are my current favorites I’m sure soon more will come up! Please feel free to share yours!
Hope this post helps someone out there.

Much Love,


Thursday, May 24, 2012

10 Things to do for the new Mom!

When I arrived home with my newborn I started to wish I were an octopus! So I could do everything! But I realized even I needed help once in a while. 

Here are 10 things a friend can help a new Mom with:

1. Do her laundry

2. Wash her dishes

3. Watch the baby for an hour while she naps

4. Walk her dogs

5. Pick up diapers &/or milk

6. Bring take out

7. Accompany her to run errands.

8. Pick up her drycleaner.

9. Accompany her to the Doctors, may need an extra set of hands.

10. Offer to be an ear 24/7, she may just need to talk.

I’m sure there are hundreds of more things out there, but those were the ones  important to me!

 Much Love,


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mom goes back to “The Studio”.

Yoga YOGA yOgA YoGa Yogaga!!

I have notice lately that my practice has been so patient, never jealous, never gone, and never empty.  Yet I think I took my practice for granted for a while, its time to reclaim my yoga. So my resolution is getting back to basics and practice before teaching again.

This Monday I start going to a new studio; I'm so excited! I love that feeling of going to a studio where no one knows you and you are just there for you and your practice (specially no one knows I teach). So far they are super friendly and soon I will be unveiling the name of the studio and share my review.

If you are a yoga avid mom and been practicing for a while I suggest to some times change it up a little bit. Change the teacher the studio or the time; you will be amazed of the things you will discover about your practice therefore your self.

Wouldn’t it be amazing for a Yoga Studio to have daycare?..

That is all for tonight.

Much love,


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

10 Ways I Prepared My Dogs for The Baby’s Arrival

10 ways I prepared my Dogs for the Baby’s Arrival.

You know when we found out we were expecting one of the first changes we started implementing was with our two four legged babies!  Our beagles. The oldest one is Buster and Luna our little mischievous  beaglette.
Long before we ever planned or thought of having our baby we had decided that our dogs would be crate trained it made it very easy for us to travel everywhere with them and they always have had a spot of their own in our home. We never used the crates for negative reinforcement or as punishment but in the contrary left them open during the day. Always give them a treat when they go in and tuck them into bed (their crate) at night.

When the news that we were expecting was given to us, one of the first things that came to our minds was our beagles. We had always heard that we would either end up making them outside dogs and that we wouldn’t love them anymore  (I hated when people said that) I guess it is different for everyone. Each person defines the relationship that they want to have with their pets by the way they decide to take care of them.

Now I’ll get on to the good stuff what my husband and I worked on to prepare our dogs before the baby came.

1.The first thing we started to do was defining limits in the house. We got some baby gates in our room and the baby’s room.  At the beginning we didn’t close them we just put them up on the doors for them to get familiar with.  After a few weeks passed we started closing the gates only letting them in when called in and giving them treats when we came out and when they didn’t whimper.

2.Then we started setting a consistent routine: What time they got food, what time they got walked, how often. It sounds like a lot of work, but when the baby arrived it helped millions!! Talking with my hubby we agreed he would be doing most of the walking and taking care of them at the beginning since a newborn takes most of the energy and time from mommy the first couple of months!   I would suggest talking with your significant other about it and make sure to get your pet(s) acquainted to anyone that will help you walk them, family, neighbors, etc.

3. I started to set up the baby room early on making sure they understood a new space had to be taken under consideration, respected and it was going to be out limits for them. Setting up the baby’s room before its arrival let them know I was going to be spending time in there with out paying so much attention to them.

4. I had notice when walking them they would be startled by strollers! So I made it one of my missions to make sure they loved the stroller. As soon as I got it I put it up in the middle of the house. First they where a bit scared of it after a day I put some treats between the wheels and the lower parts of the stroller. After a couple of days we went outside for a walk with them and the strollers! It confused our neighbors for a little bit thought the baby had come early! At the end I really only cared that I was getting our beagles ready and our selves. It eventually became practice for me to be able to walk both dogs alone with the baby! It’s been great!
If you have neighbors with babies and strollers or toddlers see how your dogs reacts to them. Our beagles were always curious to smell but very submissive to kids so that made us feel comfortable. Not that I was trying things out with others people children. I just hadn’t notice those little details until we were expecting.

5. Before the baby I use to travel with my husband and the 2 beagles would ride in the back seat. So that changed when I put the car seat up I started to show them how to ride in the back of our SUV. Patience and treats helped me with that change since they were use to riding in the back seat since 6-8 weeks old. But it happened and now the love riding in the back; they even jump in themselves.

6.I started to play baby sounds and even baby cries (I found them on YouTube). It was something I did when I was alone with them. Since is something I thought was going to happen sooner o later, and it did. I don’t know if this really helped them or me get use to the crying but I did it so thought I should share.

7. I gradually started spending time in the house separate from my beagles.  I knew when the baby arrived it would probably be this way for a while.  It was very hard for me more then them. But when the baby arrived it was great they didn’t notice a difference. I guess that is why they never became jealous of her cause the changes came before the baby and now I'm reaping the benefits seeing her crawl and tug at them and all she gets from them is kisses and belly’s up. I’m glad they don’t recent her.

8. When the baby arrived I made sure my husband gave one of the babies onsies that had warn at the hospital before the day we arrived home so they would get use to the smell of her and left it in the crates for them to sleep with it over night.

9. When we got our second beagle Luna, we made sure Buster our first Beagle would meet her in a neutral place out side the house. So I thought it should be the same with the baby; when the baby arrived my husband took the dogs to the dog park and that is were I arrived with the baby. They were very curious and jumpy but I think it made it more familiar for them when we brought them all home.

10. Once in the house settled with the baby My husband and I started to show the baby over the gate to them making sure every so often they would get to see her up close and smell her.

I was amazed of what connection my baby and our beagles have developed and how much they love her and look out for her.
I’m not saying that this steps I took are 100% proof and that will work for everyone. But maybe it will help someone out there.

walk in the park

Well that is all for right now. Let me know how it goes. Be patient. And also let me know if you have any questions.

Much Love,


Monday, May 21, 2012

Mama's Love Nordstrom's

Tonight I am rating the store Nordstrom for its baby friendliness level!.

Remember I am rating from 1 being the lowest  to 5 being excellent baby friendliness

What I love about this store is the clean bathrooms with great changing tables! yes there I said it! i love Nordstrom's bathrooms! they even have like a small sitting area for breast feeding moms.
Ok , so lets retrace a bit; last time I went to buy a pair of Toms shoes for the lil one! real quick right? WRONG! baby needed changing diaper then ran into some friends stayed there for lunch! did I mention the great salads they have! and great service. Even when you are waiting in line to order your lunch someone approached us to accommodate our sitting with the stroller.
So for these reasons I am giving a rating of 4.5 to Nordstrom just because I know moms with older kids would love to have a play area or something like that to entertain the for a bit. its funny how baby friendly a store can be!  I guess they will do anything to make the mom feel comfortable and shop more! =).

And that is why this Mama loves Nordstrom's.. the bathrooms!

Much Love!


Sunday, May 20, 2012

5 ways my baby is discovering the world out side the House.

5 ways my baby is discovering the world out side the House.   

 5 ways my baby is discovering the world out side the house did I mention that is with out spending a penny?

Recently my baby has been noticing everything! And I mean everything from sounds, smells, to touch. Here are some ways we have tried to show her new things while enjoying her at the same time!

1. - Love going to the Grocery Store!  We all have to go to the grocery store so why not spending a little extra time in there.  I show my baby some veggies and fruits to touch and see the bright colors. She loves it! Try it out! I promise no one will mind especially when the gummy grin appears on your babies face discovering the world! Let know how it goes.
This time is ok to play with your food!

2. - I go to my local Barns & Nobel or Borders. Some times I just pick up a book and read to my baby.  She specially likes the interactive books where she gets to see and touch while following the story. Bust most importantly why try to catch all of the “ Story times” they are free and sometimes they even bring characters like Clowns and Puppets! Other times is not even about the books or the stories but she gets to see and hear the reactions of the kids learning a bit about socializing and emotions!  (Public Libraries also have story time and lots of books)

3.  Taking baby to the Park! She loves going to the park especially on a sunny day! The bright colors of grass, flowers and tress make her smile light up! Recently I have let her touch the different textures of tress, grass and flowers.  For some reason she loves banging and feeling the texture of trees! (I have to confess it was my husband that started to show her the trees!! And this huge excitement came out of her with loud laughs!  Like discovering something so amazing! Cause it is!!

 4.  Going to the music store is something we do. My hubby is a drummer so it was something we just stumble on going with her! She started to notice other people playing the instruments. Now we go in there we try everything from a cowbell, to a drum to a guitar and the maracas! Babies tend to be very musical it doesn’t mean they only like to listen to music but they also like to touch instruments going to the music store to use them doesn’t mean you have to buy them.
Go to the beach. 

5. Visiting Friends & Family. We recently moved near our loved ones and we definitively don’t take them for granted. She enjoys being with other baby friends she even broke out in a small baby talk with Baby Sophia the other day! So amazing! I wonder what they were saying. I have also notice her being more open to the idea of other family members holding her for longer periods of time and even friends.  And it’s very neat to see how she studies their faces expressions and making little sounds when she is excited about something.

So there it is. 5 simple ways my baby has been discovering the world! Enhancing my view of the world and helping me appreciate the colors, smells and people surrounding us!

Oh! Here is an extra one I just remembered! Loves going to the BEACH! . The sand, the water, the seashells!

That is all for today! Hope this post helps someone out there.

Much Love,


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Il Fornaio a Family Affair or Not?

My family and I have been going for years to il Fornaio in Coronado. The food is great, the service is amazing and the ambiance. Why would i be talking about a restaurant? Well I want to share the level of baby friendliness of locations in San Diego area. Lets set a scale first, from a level of 1 to 5, five being the best.
Well now that we have set the scale lets rate it.
They did accommodate us with stroller space. But sadly i'am giving one of my favorite restaurants a 2 rating in baby friendliness. Because although it did have a changing table in the bathroom stall, it was broken and I had to change her diaper next to the zinc not very appropriate nor comfortable.
Maybe soon they will fix it and be more baby friendly.
Other than that it was a great night. Hope this info helps other moms out there in San Diego.
Much Love,


Friday, May 18, 2012

See How Easily You Can Make a Mom Salad

Yes! the Mom Salad!
To be a Mom Salad it has to be:  GOOD, TASTY! & FAST!
Here it goes! you need 2 to 3 ingredients.
2 cups Arugula
1 tbsp Goddess Dressing
Almonds (optional)

Mix them in a bowl. &  TA DA!!! your salad is made! enjoy!!!

Much love,


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Get Rid of Bulky Strollers Once and For All

I have to say there still hasn't been I place I go where someone doesn't ask me about my stroller.

When I was about 4 months into my pregnancy I started doing research on what was available for strollers in “ the stroller market” and what I found was very confusing..  I only found one I really liked the rest didn’t look practical or where part of a fad craze of having another designer stroller from Nordstrom’s. And from what I have heard and seen they aren’t practical at all!
Yes I am in love with my Orbit baby travel system stroller.
New Born

I have seen all the types colors and forms of them, these days it seems everyone I know and I am related with is having a baby. Its Just like when I got braces back in high school as soon as I got them I noticed everyone had them too!
Anyways back to the stroller.

First of all the installation of the Orbit baby is minimum and I feel my baby is super safe in it. I love going on walks with the stroller it handles great on and off pavement. I have also travel land and air with it and its convenient easy to fold and carries an extra compact diaper bag on the bottom. The handles on the stroller adjust to different heights (my husband loves that) =) the best part is getting in and out of the car you don’t have to move the baby of the seat it just snaps on as easy as putting your seat belt on. The bottom part of the stroller folds very easily and to a very compact size.
I love our orbit when we go to eat it turns all the way around so our baby feels included and she is at our level where we can keep an eye on her.
Now that she is getting older I started turning the Orbit baby seat towards the front and she loves it, as she discovers the world around her.
7 months

Some of the exciting news I found about it is that babiesr’us is about to offer it in their store and Orbit baby is working on an expansion for a second kid. Isn’t that great?! Not having to buy different strollers just one! Even if you have a second child. A Stroller That modifies and adjusts to your life style! There are a lot more details and positive things about this stroller I'm sure you can find it on its website! But for now that is what I love about it!  From New Born to 7 months and we still love  everything about our Orbit baby!

I want to say Baby Orbit is not paying me for my opinion nor any other business this is truly my opinion and my experience of this product.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Now You Can Have Another Mom Blog

I love my baby, I love my husband & I love my yoga.

Recently, I had been asked several questions about being a new mom:  “What do you recommend?”, “Why do you like it?”, “Where do you go?”, “How can I get it?”.   These questions, and many more, are the reasons I have decided to start up this blog, which will allow me to share my life as a mom to world, and will include various personal likes and dislikes along that I have noticed along the way.   As a start, I’d like to say that I have never gone with “the flow” or, in other words, gotten something just because someone else has gotten it.  I have always liked what I like because of my own personal reasons and research, and not because of some popular trend, fad, or commercial, all of which tend to have a short shelf life.  My purpose here is to simply share my opinion as an option for other folks out there to reference, as well as sharing my personal experiences with my family and friends.  In the end, by way of this blog, I can only hope to help someone out there make a decision towards or against a particular choice for their life.  Even more, I also hope to inspire folks out there to live a better life.

Here we go!!!

Much Love,
