
Sunday, May 20, 2012

5 ways my baby is discovering the world out side the House.

5 ways my baby is discovering the world out side the House.   

 5 ways my baby is discovering the world out side the house did I mention that is with out spending a penny?

Recently my baby has been noticing everything! And I mean everything from sounds, smells, to touch. Here are some ways we have tried to show her new things while enjoying her at the same time!

1. - Love going to the Grocery Store!  We all have to go to the grocery store so why not spending a little extra time in there.  I show my baby some veggies and fruits to touch and see the bright colors. She loves it! Try it out! I promise no one will mind especially when the gummy grin appears on your babies face discovering the world! Let know how it goes.
This time is ok to play with your food!

2. - I go to my local Barns & Nobel or Borders. Some times I just pick up a book and read to my baby.  She specially likes the interactive books where she gets to see and touch while following the story. Bust most importantly why try to catch all of the “ Story times” they are free and sometimes they even bring characters like Clowns and Puppets! Other times is not even about the books or the stories but she gets to see and hear the reactions of the kids learning a bit about socializing and emotions!  (Public Libraries also have story time and lots of books)

3.  Taking baby to the Park! She loves going to the park especially on a sunny day! The bright colors of grass, flowers and tress make her smile light up! Recently I have let her touch the different textures of tress, grass and flowers.  For some reason she loves banging and feeling the texture of trees! (I have to confess it was my husband that started to show her the trees!! And this huge excitement came out of her with loud laughs!  Like discovering something so amazing! Cause it is!!

 4.  Going to the music store is something we do. My hubby is a drummer so it was something we just stumble on going with her! She started to notice other people playing the instruments. Now we go in there we try everything from a cowbell, to a drum to a guitar and the maracas! Babies tend to be very musical it doesn’t mean they only like to listen to music but they also like to touch instruments going to the music store to use them doesn’t mean you have to buy them.
Go to the beach. 

5. Visiting Friends & Family. We recently moved near our loved ones and we definitively don’t take them for granted. She enjoys being with other baby friends she even broke out in a small baby talk with Baby Sophia the other day! So amazing! I wonder what they were saying. I have also notice her being more open to the idea of other family members holding her for longer periods of time and even friends.  And it’s very neat to see how she studies their faces expressions and making little sounds when she is excited about something.

So there it is. 5 simple ways my baby has been discovering the world! Enhancing my view of the world and helping me appreciate the colors, smells and people surrounding us!

Oh! Here is an extra one I just remembered! Loves going to the BEACH! . The sand, the water, the seashells!

That is all for today! Hope this post helps someone out there.

Much Love,


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