
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mom vs. Medical Negligence!

 Being a Mom means being strong, aware, tender, caring, knowledgeable to say the least! I would never settle for anything less than what my instinct and feeling is saying is the best for my baby! I encourage every Mom out there to follow and listen to that inner voice.

Ultimately for me being a Mom means having the best interest of my child, being the voice, advocate & protector.  One of the most difficult decisions after my baby was born was picking a  Pediatrician. Now I know that means 80% of the time they get to see the nurses and the rest of the time the actual Doctors. I understand now that developing a  trusting relationship with the health care providers is essential for the well being of my baby. The one time I didn't pay attention to my screaming "motherly instinct" my baby ended up in the ER with 103.00 fever! it was a horrible experience! I would never wish that to any mom or new mother out there.
Recently we changed  Peds and asked for the chart to be transferred to the new pediatrician. Simple right?.. No! Some of the medical records were completely false. This information was questioned over and over to me making me feel like I was completely crazy!  asking me. Are you sure? Maybe you dont remember? We would never make a mistake like this! Insinuating I had forgotten that those procedures were given to my daughter. To make story short! After 6 hours of questioning from both medical providers! the new pediatrician staff understood and helped me to get to the bottom of the confusion. Ended up being the medical records were erroneously input into my daughters chart. They appologize and called it a clerical error!  I was infuriated ,scared, confused.And also thankful it was a paper error and I stood my ground . But it also made me think of all the babies out there that don't have some one to be their voice that are victims of Medical Negligence. Aren't we supposed to trust completely our nurses and doctors?

So all of you moms out there!  Be the voice of your children! Be loud and clear! it is OK to protect our children! even when no one else thinks that you are doing the right thing! listen to your motherly instinct!

 Moms know best!

much love,


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