
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Playground 7 UnRules

 I been taking my baby to the playground lately. I love it because I get my exercise done by walking there and she gets to see other children. She is not walking yet so she enjoys for the most part the slides with my help and mainly the swing!  I have notice she loves to bee with other children and she learns from the older ones so fast; as I been learning from other moms there. =)

Here are my 7 UnRules for the Playground

1. Bring sunscreen protect your baby's skin!

2. Don't bring your baby sick.

3. Don't be a germo-phobe you are at the playground! You  will not be able to clean the whole playground with wipes! ( I actually saw a mom trying to do this) wash hands once you leave.

4. Pick up your spills. If you bring milk, snacks,wipes, diapers pick up after your trash.

5. Wait for your turn but don't hover. If the swing is busy don't rush a "Mom/kid" out of the swing. You never know that might be her only break during the day.

6. Be considerate of other Parents and your baby will learn to be considerate of other babies.

7. Never leave someone else watching your child nor accept that request from anyone.

Well those are my "UnRules" from the top of my head!

Oh and for the New Mothers out there! you can bring your baby to the swings from the moment they can hold their head on their own! some what around 3 months. This is a great way to get some fresh air.

Well hope this information helps some moms out there!

Much love,


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