
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My favorite Pregnancy Movies

My favorite pregnancy/baby movies are  "Babies" & "The Business of being born"

I could give you the summary of each movie but I hope that you take the time to see these movies in an objective way; and form your own opinions.

The first movie the "Babies" I loved! it was relaxing and eye opening on how babies develop in any type of environment and thrive and live healthy lives as long as there is love. And even when we think to judge how a kid is being raised across the country babies are smarter than we think and all babies deserve to live in an enviroment filled with love. Mother nature is not a force to be reckon with and wiser than we can imagine.

Im sure you can find this movie on line, on youtube or on your local library even on any streaming movie provider (netflix,hulu,etc.) but just in case here is the link  i found:

"The busines of being born"The second movie I am recommending is a movie I stumble upon by accident. Right after I found out I was expecting I wanted to know everything! I mean everything about the delivery, what happens? why and what is it no one talks about it?
 Well this movie was a big eye opening on the history on how birthing has evolved in the USA and the world i guess. It was a big way to start a conversation with my husband on what kind a doctor and hospital or venue we wanted to give birth to our baby.
This movie woke up a sense of " I must trust my doctor" If Im having an epidural I want it to be on my terms, when is an induction safer ? when is a C section my only option?..I made it my goal to be well informed so I could make the best decisions for me and my baby. I didn't automatically dismissed any options; it just opened my eyes a bit more.

Here is the link to that movie:

If there is something I learn is the more questions I asked the doctor the more comfortable i felt. Informing my self  the more knowledgeable I was the less I would  have to worry that special day. The  less questions I had that day the more focused I was on most important task in my  life, delivering my baby.
I hope this post helps some mom out there.
 Much love,


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