
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Mom Cancels Everything or it seems that way these days

As a new Mom I have learned that life and the speed of every day life changed for ever after the arrival of my little bundle of  Joy. More often than not a Mother has to cancel her appointments, activities,engagements and family affairs because of some sort of baby situation.

Baby is sick
it is very polite not to bring your baby to a play date or reunion when sick. You are actually being considerate to the other children. This is common after having shots.

Baby is teething
We are currently in this state. and  it has been definitely the hardest thing since the first week of having her in my arms. the pain is excruciating and watching her go through it is worse.

Baby is napping
Ok for many parents is easy when you have your baby schedule mapped out and you have an awesome  baby that naps for hours and hours but for me is not  the case. I have an awesome baby that never naps or if she does she power naps.

And there is always the other facts like if its raining, if its too hot, if the lanes are too long (special in t he border crossing) and if the bird outside your window didn't sing in the morning and your baby is in a bad mood... ok maybe not that last one. What I'm trying to say I  love my friends and family a lot but sometimes a mother needs to make decisions like canceling and postponing commitments  for the sake of the baby. It doesn't mean we care any less for the people we love.

People that truly loves you will always understand.

This week I been canceling stuff left and right.. it has been specially hard and thank you  friends and family for understanding.

Thank you hubby for pushing through the sleepless nights...

Hope this post helps a mom out there.

Much love to all,


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