
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

5 Tips for New Parents

I recently went to visit Baby Diego!! at 7 pounds he is a healthy and beautiful baby boy! Congratulations! to my friends Blanca & Diego!
Welcome to parenthood!  

With that I dedicate this post to them!

They have entered the bliss of parenthood. a Tiny human being is completely vulnerable and dependent  on  them. The world has completely changed for them. his true love has arrive to this world.

The routines will go from diaper change, feeding, sleeping and probably some crying in between. There are millions of websites with plenty of advise but I want to share my 2cents.  Also Blanca & Diego  come from a very close nitch loving families, so I'm sure they have a lot of family support. Yet here are some of the things that helped me the most when my baby Ana Karina was born.

Here they are:

  1. Relay on each other as parents to make decisions.
  2. Ask you pediatrician how to correctly measure the babies temperature.
  3. Trust your  instincts as Mother & as a Father no one can beat that.
  4. Sleep when the baby sleeps.
  5. And always remember the 4 S's   ( didn't make this up they come form a long line of mom, pediatricians and i think everyone tries them instinctively at one point.)
  • Shhhh
  • sound will calm the baby  
  • Swaddle your baby.                                                                                          It will make him feel like his is back in mommy's tummy and secure
  • Sing to your baby
  • He loves mommy and daddies voice. 
  • Swing your baby
  •   the swing was amazing for my baby but you can rock him

Here is a how to Swaddling image.  & a Great Video on how to swing your baby on your knees.

I hope this post helps a Mom & Dad out there!

Once again Congratulations New Parents Blanca & Diego! 

Much love,
